Piavanti Technologies - a new service offered by

Arciero Associates, LLC   Charlotte, North Carolina

mANAGED Services

• Client or Provider owns hardware & software

• Dedicated infrastructure

• Designed for peak volume

• Predictable monthly fee


• Client & Provider share risks


• Client owns hardware & software

• Dedicated infrastructure

• Designed for peak volume

• Fixed cost

• CAPEX-intensive

• Client owns risks

Cloud Services

• Provider owns hardware & software

• Shared infrastructure

• Provisioned based on usage

• Utility-based pricing

• OPEX-intensive

• Provider owns risks

Industry focus

  • Healthcare
  • Information Technology
  • Financial Services
  • Energy
  • Communications

Put our experts to work for your business today. Call us for more information on how we can become your go-to technology partner.   704-560-2207

service Options

We can deliver IT services in a variety of business models and service modes.  More importantly, we can help you make the transition, from traditional "On-Premise" infrastructure and management, to a Managed Services or Cloud Services business model. This allows you to take advantage of a range of options, from system ownership to utility-style, on-demand delivery of your IT solutions and services.  Call us today to discuss your options.